Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A look back...

So today marked #16 of radiation which means I only have 17 more to go!!!  I honestly couldn't be more excited for May 13th when I have my FINAL radiation treatment & we are DONE!!  I sat today reading through the blogs since July of this overwhelming journey.  I can not begin to tell you how thankful we (my family & myself) are for our amazing family & friends who have battled this nasty disease with us.  This has been a very difficult year for our family.  We've battled some medical problems with Taylor and then got hit in June with my cancer.  Even though the Helton's should be celebrating in Disney right now we take comfort in knowing that through it all God has had a plan.  We are planning a celebration trip in September (or else Taylor will be MAD!)  God has wrapped us up and walked along side us through this storm.  We are ready though to be done with it all!!

So some prayers...

  • My skin - its starting to itch BAD!!  I'm on meds and its driving me crazy.  
  • My endurance & strength!  I am doing pretty good of resting when I need too!
  • My patience - I am ready to play softball & drive (June 11th)!!  Due to a medical setback my license was taken away for 6 months.  Don't worry if you didn't know because alot of people didn't!!  I don't want sympathy or anything.  
  • My sweet family!  Andy & the kids!  Andy is working hard at work & at home.  The kids are ready for momma to be done.  My sweet Ashlyn has her permit so we are learning to drive!  Please continue to pray for Taylor's health.  We are trying some new meds and not seeing the change like we'd hoped.  The end of school is very near pray all three...Ashlyn, Taylor & Luke can end strong!
  • Mom & Dad...I know its been hard on them watching their daughter go through this.  They have been amazing these past few months (well my whole life)!!  My mom has been my other set of ears at Dr appointments, etc.  Dad has been my ride & getting me a rootbeer for our trip!
  • My friends who continually offer to help out whenever and bring in my cra cra!!

Thank you to everyone who has again walked with our family!!  From prayers, calls, meals, texts, emails, a visit, the shirts & braclets (wearing them in my honor), fundraiser, running in my honor, cards, voting for me as MLB Honorary Bat Girl, letting me vent (cry, yell, scream, repeat), neighbors who've helped out with kids, my work who have been amazing, colored pictures from my KidZone Kids and thank you for the taxi service that so many have provided.  I am not one who likes to ask for help but with this stupid cancer I've learned that I can't do it all on my own.

Soon my story will close but people start this battle daily!  SO ladies please go to your doctors!!


Friday, April 8, 2016

Ten in the Bed...

For whatever reason, the most likely being I have a preschooler, I have had the "Ten in the Bed" song in my head since Wendy-Woo started her radiation treatments last week! Every day, one gets crossed off the list..."there were 33 in the bed and the little one said, 'roll over, roll over'. So they all rolled over and one fell out...there were 32 in the bed and the little one said..." You get the idea!

So the number tonight... 25!! Only 25 more times Wendy has to lay on that skinny little, hard as a rock table worrying about not falling off! (The radiation room is a super-nice, state of the art facility, but the table she has to lay on during each treatment for 15-20 minutes leaves a little to be desired!) No "comfy" is allowed when the laser placement accuracy is so important!!
So far, things are going well. Wendy met with her radiation oncologist Monday who said she was doing great! There were some questions and discussions about what to possibly expect as things progressed a little further down the road, but we are choosing to believe that our powerful GOD is standing in the gap between Wendy and any possible side effects for as long as possible! 

Please continue to pray for: 
  • the health of Wendy's skin- NO redness, blisters, burns, peeling or sensitivity! 
  • Wendy's overall health and energy levels! NO fatigue.
  • Generally, NO SIDE EFFECTS! 
  • the stability of Wendy's medication and lab levels. 
  • Wendy's family as they endure the reality of daily trips to Siteman.
Thank you for your ongoing support!! We will continue to knock those little boogers off one by one in the weeks ahead!! Keep watching for the countdown to Strike 3 in STRIKING OUT BREAST CANCER! 

Speaking of "Striking Out Breast Cancer"...are you still voting each day for our FAVORITE St. Louis Cardinals Bat Girl Candidate?? Follow the link to vote daily!! 

Also, for additional financial support opportunities for Team Wendy-Woo on this final leg of the battle, join Wendy's Aunt (Wendy) as she participates in the Go Short Go Long Challenge this weekend on behalf of Team Wendy-Woo!! You can read more about their effort or donate here: 

Blessings! Kindra