Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What a Journey...

Well I realize that I waited a while to post after my final treatment and its been a crazy, busy two weeks since.  On May 16th I rang the FINAL bell and got my little certificate & flower saying I am done with treatment.  I can't begin to tell you what an emotional day it was!  A day of excitement, smiles, laughes, tears, questions, hugs, goodbyes, etc.  My days of going to Siteman everyday are done...I'm not complaining but I am truly going to miss my nurses & doctors.  Every single person there was a huge blessing to my life!  Of course I will be back to visit...I still have to have blood work, check ups, etc.  
I have truly struggled with how to say thanks to everyone who has been there for me & my family this past year.  Andy & I at first tried so hard to do everything on our own and it literally became impossible.  Andy has been the absolute best during all of this.  He saw the behind the 'I'm doing great' Wendy to the mad, angry, sobbing, sick, mean, hateful, etc. Wendy!  He was definitely a trooper during it all!  My kids too...absolute rock stars!!  To find out their mom has cancer at the beginning of the summer and have their summer ruined and to rock it through the school year!  They helped me out, sat with me, cried with me & just loved on mom!  My parents...they just did whatever!  Helped out with kids, went to dr appointments, treatments, brought over food, rides, etc.  They loved on their baby girl and encouraged me the entire way!  My brother Trey, Allison & family who would conitually check on me, got sweet pictures of them wearing their cancer shirts out of support, meals, rides, etc.  My best friend Kindra who kept everyone up to date on the blog because that would of never happened with me!  She set up meals, tshirts, bracelets, etc (all of which was so hard to say yes too).  She too listened to me cry, be sad, mad, etc.  My other friends & family who would send cards, texts, emails, fb messages, lunches, meals, gift cards, prayers, etc.-WOW did we feel the love!  I am truly blessed with amazing family, friends, church family, my softball ladies, kids school familes, etc.  Thank you to each one of you for being a part of this interruption in our life.
I also wanted to wait for today to post because today is also another BIG day....I CAN DRIVE!!!!  I haven't driven in six months!!  This is a long story as to why and if you didn't know you didn't miss anything I just didn't want anyone to feel sorry for me or honestly that I wasn't capable of doing life!  I kept being wife & mom, serving at church & school, working and whatever else needed to be done!  But today its like I'm 16 all over again!!  Another big thing for me is that I've been given the all clear to play ball!!!!  Woohoo!!!  Crush I'll be back!!
Thanks to you all...I'm blessed!