Thursday, October 29, 2015

Prayer Request!

Hi friends!

Thank you for your ongoing prayers and support for Wendy-Woo and family! Wendy was able to complete chemo no.6 yesterday as planned- HALFWAY THERE! However, her blood counts were quite abnormal, and she had to be hospitalized to get everything back in order. She is doing well overall, but this was certainly an unexpected development and difficult to adjust to! She has had the ongoing support of Andy and her family overnight, as well as a great team of physicians and nurses, and things are looking better already.

Please pray for Wendy, specifically for her counts to normalize, and for her to have peace during this time away from the kids! This is absolutely correctable, but it has to be done purposefully and slowly, so the length of her hospitalization is unknown. She has already improved tremendously since yesterday, and we are praying for GOD'S BEST for her.

Please also pray for the kids as mom is away, and for Andy as he cares for them. Pray, too, for Hal and Nancy as they care for their kids and grandkids while at the same time approaching a milestone day- retirement!! 

Wendy's greatest wish today is that she can ENJOY the blessings of the weekend to come - Halloween with her kids and celebration with her dad. Please join me in praying that God would grant the wishes of her heart! (While at the same time protecting her body and doing what is BEST for her, physically!) He is GOD, after all, and He hears our prayers all the while KNOWING the desires of our heart! 

PLEASE NOTE- visitors are very limited right now, as her white counts are almost non-existent, putting her at much greater risk of infection. If you are or have been sick, or anyone in your home is sick, please do not visit at this time; texts, calls, Facebook messages or emails to send love are always welcome! 

Thanks for joining me in prayer for our sister and friend, Wendy-Woo! 

Blessings- K

Tuesday, October 27, 2015


What a sweet moment to realize Wendy is almost over the halfway hump for round 2 of chemo! Treatment no. 6 is scheduled for tomorrow, God willing! I would attest that it has not been much like she expected (hoped), but there is sheer victory in making it to the halfway point!! 

Wendy was able to get her labs drawn yesterday while in the office for her white blood cell booster shot, and unfortunately she can probably expect to need another transfusion within the next week or so, but totally accepts the fate of doing what she needs to do to make it through and feel as good as possible for her family. So far the white blood cell booster shots appear to be doing their job keeping her count high enough (for long enough) to get chemo. They are always low again by the time the next week rolls around, which reinforces her need to be careful with hand-washing and being around people who are sick, but she is doing great staying healthy!!! Her muscle soreness is a force to be reckoned with, but she also tends to push through and tell her body who is boss in spite of the discomfort. That is how she hosted her kiddos fall party on Friday, joined me in cooking a million side dishes for a Christmas Store fundraiser, went to Greentree's Trunk or Treat with her family, and then walked around for 2 hours on Sunday @ RBC's Trunk or Treat with a rolling candy cooler being the BOSS of sweets. ALL OF THIS IN 3 days, people. Cancer ain't gonna keep this girl down. 

She is RUNNING, not walking, this race HE has set before her, with endurance, faith and BRAVE perseverance. I couldn't be more proud to call her my sister and friend. I know you couldn't be more proud either. 

Please continue to pray for Wendy in the following ways: 
  • muscle soreness and general fatigue, as well as a revelation for the physicians to know how to relieve it if possible.
  • having the courage to rest when she needs to!
  • ongoing changes in her taste buds, her diet, and her overall nutrition.
  • general health and wellness in this fall season! (and that of her family)
  • the health of her nails and her hair.
  • her white and red blood counts.
  • her upcoming November appointment with the radiation oncologist where she will begin to understand that phase of treatment (which will follow surgery at the beginning of the new year). 
  • her sweet daddy's retirement this weekend!
  • her hubs and her kiddos as they continue to balance life and helping mama! 
Many blessings to each of you! I appreciate (as does Wendy) your ongoing support, cards, calls, texts, Facebook messages, seeing you in your ORANGE Wendy-Woo wear (it's NOT too late to order), meals, treats, and simple, yet profound, LOVE and ENCOURAGEMENT! Thanks for thinking pink, together, for Team Wendy-Woo.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

As Long As I Have Breath


Aren't we thankful that the God of Heaven's armies, the creator of the universe, bends down to listen when we speak to Him? Because He bends down to listen, I will pray as long as I have breath...

Wendy heads in for treatment number 5 tomorrow morning. Please continue to whisper these requests in God's ear: 
  • Muscle soreness: both the chemo and the white blood cell booster shots she is receiving weekly cause significant soreness. Pray that God would remove this symptom or make it less uncomfortable! 
  • White blood count: Since fall is upon us, this count is more important than ever for Wendy's health and fight against seasonal illnesses. Please pray for a hedge of protection over her health! 
  • Red blood count to remain stable for as long as possible!
  • For the cancer to continue to be treated effectively in preparation for surgery to remove all traces! 
  • For Andy as he continues to juggle work, family and caring for Wendy! 
  • For the kids! Luke has had a rough couple days! He hit his head at school yesterday and had some lingering effects, but appears better today! Today, though, he fell at school and injured his wrist! Thankfully there is no apparent fracture, but he has had a rough couple days, and so has mama! Pray for their safety, their health, school and church activities! They are keeping mama on her toes!
  • For family and friends as we continue to walk alongside them in these hard days!  
I continue to be blessed by the countless ways you all have been a blessing to Wendy and her family. It is an ongoing testimony to her effect on your lives, and evidence that she has loved well and is well loved. Let us NOT GROW WEARY of prayer and encouragement! The battle wages on! Wendy-Woo believed she could, and she is. Wendy-Woo IS STRIKING OUT CANCER! 

Many blessings! 


Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Update!

Thanks to everyone who has been praying for Wendy-Woo today!!! She was able to complete her transfusion today and is expecting to feel better soon! The Dr. was able to "flip" her port over just by using her fingers (on the outside of the skin). Woo said it "hurt a little but took like 30 seconds." SO- we are sending THANKS AND PRAISE for a successful and NON-INVASIVE procedure to get that thing back where it was supposed to be!!! 

Wendy is back to being mom this evening, and after a little snooze this afternoon is really feeling pretty good! Cool, right!? Thanking Jesus for answered prayer in the midst of an unexpected day.

Have a blessed evening! 

Prayer Request: The Unexpected

Good morning friends! I am coming to you with a special prayer request for the unexpected today! Wendy was able to receive treatment no. 4 yesterday, which is a reason for thanks! Her hemoglobin, as expected, was a low, triggering the need for a transfusion today. Transfusion: expected. 

However, when they got to the infusion center this morning, the nurses were unable to access her port. Somehow since yesterday, it has turned around the wrong way. No port access: Unexpected.  

They were able to go ahead with the transfusion the old fashioned way (in her vein), but she will have to head over to the hospital to have the port position corrected following the transfusion. Another procedure today: Unexpected. 

They are not yet sure what that "turning of the port" will entail, so I am asking that you join me in praying for correction of the port today in the least uncomfortable, least invasive way possible! It has been an exhausting 24 hours for Wendy-Woo, and she needs us to lift her up! Despite the unexpected, she is keeping her eye on the silver lining today because she is amazing. Wendy amazing: expected.

Many blessings! Kindra

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Cheering for Red and White

At this very moment, considering we are talking about Wendy, cheering for red and white could mean this:

or this..,

Our Wendy-Woo is headed in for treatment number 4 tomorrow, but today she is wearing her Cardinal gear and rooting for GAME 4! (Until she changes into her Orange for tonight's Crush game! Sorry- ESPN chose not to pick it up.) 

Please pray for Wendy's red and whites! (both of them) She received a booster shot for her white blood count yesterday, and we are hopeful that it will be just the boost she needs to receive treatment tomorrow. Her low red's are starting to get to her, as she does feel a bit more tired and winded lately. She anticipates the future need for another transfusion, but tomorrow's labs will tell! If I understand correctly, a low red count will not prohibit her from receiving chemo, but will simply require her to make a secondary appointment for the transfusion. We will pray for God's best! 

Also, continue to pray for: 
  • relief of muscle soreness and fatigue!
  • her fingernails! This medication has the potential to wreck havoc on the nail beds, so she has to sit with her fingers in ice water during treatment! Just a little nuisance!! 
  • Her ongoing health! Wendy received her flu shot last week, and I would challenge all who will be in close direct contact with her to do the same! Any illness exposure to an immunocompromised patient can be severe, so we have to take care in being around her family. 
  • Her family! (Hubs, kiddos, parents, etc)
Thank you to ALL who have ordered Wendy-Woo Wear! T-shirts are IN and are being sorted and distributed or shipped this week! If you haven't ordered yet, it is never too late- just order here!! 

Thank you for continuing to pray for, encourage, support, and love Wendy and her family! Your thoughts and prayers never go unnoticed or under-appreciated! You are a blessing on this journey. She is 25% COMPLETE with these treatments and STRIKING OUT BREAST CANCER like a champ. Thanks for cheering.

Blessings- K

Thursday, October 8, 2015

A note from Wendy Woo

October...a month to wear PINK!!

I am so bad at posting amongst a million thank you notes (I WILL get those out).  Just wanted to post to thank everyone for their continued prayers and love for my family!!  We are so completely blown away at how everyone has cared for our family.  I just had my #3 of my 12 week chemo treatments.  My red blood cells & white blood cells drop so I go to get booster shots for the wbc and most likely another blood transfusion will be in my near future.  This round of treatment the side effect that is VERY difficult is muscle & joint pain.  As soon as I start to feel better its time for another treatment!  On top of it the booster shot causes a little muscle pain...Ibprofen & heating pad!!!

October is Breast Cancer awareness month and it has a WHOLE new meaning in our household this year and forever will!!  We wear our pink, have our pink front porch lights & I have a beautiful pink with pink ribbon wreath on my front door.  But this is more than the pink...its about the lives that have been changed or will be changed because of this disease!!  I can not say it enough....WOMEN get your mammograms!!!  I do trust that God has a purpose and a reason!  I will be honest though that there isn't a day that goes by that the words "I HATE CANCER!!" don't come out of my mouth, I cry, "this isn't fair, why me?" or I get mad & mean!!  As soon as all that comes out...I am reminded somehow it could be worse!  Praise God my lumps are almost gone & I will survive!!  I look forward next October to walking with my fellow survivor sisters to raise money to find a cure!

So the rest of this month....wear your pink and support Breast Cancer!!!  I am honored by all the pics from everyone who have worn pink in my honor!!!  

Again, thank you so much for your prayers!!  Pray for my blood...the red & the white!  I would LOVE to get my chemo all done my the end of the year!!

Hugs & Love!!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

She is His

This morning, we can give thanks that God is before her. She is His. 

Wendy got a "yes" from her Dr. this morning and is receiving treatment! Her red and white counts are still a little low, but this week the battle is His! 

She will need to continue receiving white count booster shots for a few weeks, and he will continue to monitor her hemoglobin and advise another transfusion if needed, but today we give THANKS for His best yes. 

Thanks to you all! Please continue to pray specifically for:
- blood counts (this is a normal side effect of chemo- nothing short of God's hand can "fix" it)
- muscle soreness (we are hoping it will start to get less and less. Otherwise she pushes through it like a champ!)  
- family and her most important job as mom! 

Bless you!! 


Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Be Still

As I think about tomorrow and what it holds for Wendy, I bask in the realization that even though I just don't know what it holds, the King of Heaven's armies is fighting for her! Tonight, let's be still and let GOD. 

Pray for Wendy tomorrow- for her white blood count, her hemoglobin, her patience, her muscle soreness, her husband, her mom, her kids, her Dr. and her nurses! Hoping with everything to give you all a positive update next time we chat! 

Blessings- K

Thursday, October 1, 2015

Think Pink

As you probably know, October is breast cancer awareness month. It is a simple calendar event to many, and a reason for pink everything in the retail world, but now, it's a face. It's our daughter, wife, mom, sister, aunt, best friend, co-worker, loved one. It's a reminder to pray. It's a reminder to be thankful. It's a reminder that behind every pink ribbon, pink t-shirt, pair of pink socks, pink head band, pink hat, pink phone case, or pink whatever is a person whose life was interrupted; whose life story now and forever involves pink. 

I want to challenge you this month to THINK PINK. Choose a day or two this month to proudly show off your pink (or your orange Wendy-Woo gear), and if you feel so led, share a pic with Wendy by text, on Facebook or comment on the blog. Remind her why her battle is worth it to you! Why SHE is worth it! 
Wendy was able to receive chemo yesterday, and is doing well overall. Both her white and red blood counts were lower again, and she is receiving a booster shot for her WBC today and tomorrow. We are praying over the RBC, hoping still that she will not need another transfusion. Her labs will be rechecked before her chemo appointment next week. The muscle soreness has let up a little, and the physician reports that it should lessen with each consecutive treatment, so here is hoping for LESS soreness this weekend!!!

Please continue to pray for: 
  • Wendy's blood counts to rebound (WBC and RBC). 
  • Wendy's side effect of muscle pain and soreness to GO AWAY or be tolerable/significantly less!! 
  • NO ADDITIONAL SIDE EFFECTS of chemo, including fatigue or loss of appetite! 
  • Peace over Wendy's heart - it is hard for this busy wife, mama, realtor, friend and ministry leader to be idle!! I don't think any of us can fully understand the extent of this loss, so please pray for her heart!
  • The Helton family as they lock arms and care for one another during this battle! 
Blessings to you all. It is a privilege to walk alongside Wendy on this journey, and get to know all of you who love her as well! Thanks for your ongoing prayers and support. They are worth millions! Don't forget to THINK PINK and send your pics to Wendy via Facebook, text, or the blog!