Thursday, October 8, 2015

A note from Wendy Woo

October...a month to wear PINK!!

I am so bad at posting amongst a million thank you notes (I WILL get those out).  Just wanted to post to thank everyone for their continued prayers and love for my family!!  We are so completely blown away at how everyone has cared for our family.  I just had my #3 of my 12 week chemo treatments.  My red blood cells & white blood cells drop so I go to get booster shots for the wbc and most likely another blood transfusion will be in my near future.  This round of treatment the side effect that is VERY difficult is muscle & joint pain.  As soon as I start to feel better its time for another treatment!  On top of it the booster shot causes a little muscle pain...Ibprofen & heating pad!!!

October is Breast Cancer awareness month and it has a WHOLE new meaning in our household this year and forever will!!  We wear our pink, have our pink front porch lights & I have a beautiful pink with pink ribbon wreath on my front door.  But this is more than the pink...its about the lives that have been changed or will be changed because of this disease!!  I can not say it enough....WOMEN get your mammograms!!!  I do trust that God has a purpose and a reason!  I will be honest though that there isn't a day that goes by that the words "I HATE CANCER!!" don't come out of my mouth, I cry, "this isn't fair, why me?" or I get mad & mean!!  As soon as all that comes out...I am reminded somehow it could be worse!  Praise God my lumps are almost gone & I will survive!!  I look forward next October to walking with my fellow survivor sisters to raise money to find a cure!

So the rest of this month....wear your pink and support Breast Cancer!!!  I am honored by all the pics from everyone who have worn pink in my honor!!!  

Again, thank you so much for your prayers!!  Pray for my blood...the red & the white!  I would LOVE to get my chemo all done my the end of the year!!

Hugs & Love!!

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