Saturday, December 5, 2015

Heavy Burdens

This week has carried many burden's for Wendy-Woo... but we are resting in God's promises and have faith in HIS perfect plan. 

Wendy was unable to receive chemotherapy this week at all. As you know, her white blood cells were too low in the beginning of the week to receive therapy. Wednesday night, in the middle of the night, she awoke with severe ear pain. She was able to have the nurse practitioner take a look on Thursday morning, and her suspicions were ear infection. She was quickly placed on antibiotics, given yet another white blood cell booster, and sent home with cancelled chemo this week. 

She returned Friday morning to have her labs rechecked, and was able to see the Dr. Thankfully, her red cell counts had increased, which meant NO TRANSFUSION this week, which was a blessing in light of the chaos of the infusion center amidst a relocation! She did receive yet another white cell booster, since those counts are still borderline low, and has to increase her potassium intake as well. 

Now, we wait til Tuesday! Her ear pain is significantly improved over those first 24 hours, besides the inability to hear super well. Her reds were headed up, as were her whites! BUT WE REALLY NEED THOSE BAD BOYS TO STAY THAT WAY OVER THE WEEKEND! 

This journey has been blessed by the fact that Wendy has not had to fight a lot of illness. We praise God that despite white blood cells that have been in the tanker for quite some time that she has not been sick for prolonged periods. However, this stinks! The week has been filled with frustration and discouragement. And yet, Wendy is DETERMINED to complete this therapy that has been recommended to her. SO, prayer warriors, 2 MORE TREATMENTS it is, and we need to storm the throne of God for His provision! 

Pray for: 
  • Wendy's ear and sinuses to heal. 
  • Wendy's white blood cells to increase and remain at treatment level. 
  • Wendy's red blood cells to remain or increase so no transfusions are needed.
  • Wendy's potassium, which is slightly low.
  • Wendy's general fatigue and soreness to go away. 
  • Wendy's ability to participate in the longings of her heart this weekend: the Christmas Store, church and Luke's musical! 
  • For Wendy's heart. Weeks like this remind her much too much that she has cancer. And cancer sucks. We hate cancer. Please pray for a renewal of her peace, hope and joy. 
  • For Andy. It is hard to watch your love hurt and sick. It is hard to keep all the balls in the air. It is hard to receive her frustrations. It is hard. But he is a rock. God has gifted him for a time as this. Pray for him.
  • For the kids- enough said.
  • For Wendy's parents and family as they care for her. 
This week was not a surprise to God. His grace is enough. In His perfect timing, everything will turn out right. This is my declaration. 

Many blessings to each of you, K.

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