Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Scoop.

Let me give you the scoop... (For the record, that ⬆️⬆️ is Baskin Robbins peanut butter chocolate, Wendy's favorite scoop. Don't tell Andy. He doesn't work for Baskin Robbins.) 

I know it has been a while since I updated- sorry, not sorry! That just means since the end of chemo, though life has not been without challenges, things have been pretty good. Wendy's favorite line when asked how she is doing: "Can't complain (and it wouldn't help if I did!)" 

Wendy's labs have remained mostly stable since the end of chemotherapy. She did receive one final blood transfusion the day after her last treatment, but has not needed another, which is a blessing! She has continued to take the oral supplements for her potassium and sodium levels, but they seem to be working at keeping things stable. Her energy is improving everyday, and we are just waiting patiently to see signs of new hair!! 

She has continued to wage battle with her ear, and saw an ENT before Christmas to help her over the hump of constantly being in a "tunnel". Thankfully, the pain has improved; and, after a round of steroids and some nasal spray, it is slowly clearing up. 

Wendy saw her surgeon on December 14. It was a great visit, and both she and Andy walked away with a lot of answers and a general peace over what would happen next. It was, as expected, a fire hose of information, but the plan is in place! Wendy will undergo outpatient surgery Monday, January 11th- the official Phase II of Striking Out Breast Cancer. 

The surgeon repeated her mammogram and reported the CANCER APPEARS TO BE GONE (pause for celebration....) (....more cheering) (....look to Heaven and thank GOD!) Therefore, the surgery will focus on two areas: 1) cleaning out the borders of the area where the tumor was located, and 2) removing any lymph nodes that were affected (presumably, this is one lymph node; however, they will test the surrounding areas to be certain and remove anything suspicious). 

This procedure is outpatient, as I mentioned, and Wendy will be allowed to go home the same day. There will be some minor restrictions, but they are unclear as to what those are until the results of the surgery are revealed. 

Wendy has never had surgery before, so while she is ready to conquer this next hurdle, it is certainly a little mind boggling and nerve-wracking! (or nerve-racking, per Merriam- apparently both are acceptable...sorry for the aside.)

Following surgery, she will recover for approximately 4 weeks before preparing for and beginning the final phase of treatment, radiation therapy. 

Friends, it has been 192 days since hearing the dreadful truth that led us here, 4 days before surgery. But our God is faithful, our friend is mighty, and our ultimate battle is WON. Join with me to pray for Wendy as we head toward Monday: 

-- Pray for Wendy's general health. While she is improving, we still must pray for her labs, and for her overal energy and wellness. Pray that gates of protection would surround her and nothing will delay her surgery!
-- Pray for Wendy's ear. While it has improved significantly, it needs to continue to heal. 
-- Pray for ultimate peace over Wendy and Andy on Monday (as well as her kids and her family.) Pray for a successful outcome with as little invasion as possible, for minimal pain, for the stable hand of her doctor, for no infection, for an easy recovery, and for encouraging news!  
-- Pray for Andy, Wendy and their kids. There have been many successes and many setbacks in this battle, and though we celebrate the HUGE successes, we also face realities that are still hard! Let us not forget to pray for strength and to offer encouragement!
-- Pray for Hal and Nancy as they continue to care for their kids and grandkids! 

Thank you for joining me on Team Wendy-Woo! Monday, as my bestie puts on her big girl pants and braves surgery, please put on your Woo-Wear in support of Wendy as a reminder to PRAY ALL DAY! Post pics and send a note to encourage her on her big day (but be gracious and don't expect a response- she is gonna be a little busy!) Look forward to an update as soon as I have one! (If you need some special Woo-Wear, let me know- I still have t-shirts and bracelets available!) 

So...that's the scoop for now. Sit back and watch God finish what He has started! 

"I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46:4

Blessings - K

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