Friday, February 5, 2016

An Extra Portion.

Team WW, I am coming today with a humble request for a little more... a little more prayer, a little more encouragement, a little more "you can DO this!" extra portion for my friend.

As you know, Wendy had a follow up appointment with her surgeon last week, and an appointment with her medical oncologist on Monday this week. Both physicians were very pleased with her progress, and felt like things were a "GO" for the radiation oncologist to get the ball rolling toward Phase III of striking out breast cancer!

Last Thursday, her surgeon noted a little swelling at the surgical site/in the breast tissue, but reassured her and told her to call if it got "worse", thinking it was a "normal" post-op side effect. She didn't have a fever, wasn't too uncomfortable, and had been following the recommended precautions since her surgery. Great. Well done.

Her medical oncologist, Dr. P, saw her Monday, checked her labs, and noted also that things looked good. He planned to continue closely monitoring her sodium levels (because, you know, they are always a pain in the bohonkas), but also gave her a thumbs up! Great. Well done. (See a theme here?)

So, Tuesday, Wendy headed for her radiation oncology appointment in hurried anticipation of the "full workup" = getting marked and scheduled for upcoming radiation therapy. (Let's get this show on the road!) Except, sometimes things don't go how we expect. (If you ask Wendy...she would say, "Of course! Why would anything be "normal" for me!? ...insert growl...) Dr. H was not at all pleased with the way her surgical site/breast looked, as it was quite swollen. Wendy was asked to go immediately to her surgeon's office for an impromptu draining of over 250 cc of fluid (Wendy is a warrior, people. Handled this like a champ!) "No big deal", said the Dr. "It's not infected"... "just wasn't draining right"..."rest it"..."keep ice on it"..."let me know if it returns"... "we will get you back to the radiation Dr. ASAP" NO BIGGIE!

Fast forward through a VERY IMPATIENT Wednesday... (don't tell this patient you are going to call TODAY to reschedule an appointment and then not do it. Really. Never do that! I am not kidding!) Wendy finally heard (on Thursday!) from the radiation oncologist that they would see her today (Friday), planning to do what they were "supposed to do" on Tuesday. Great! (or, not.)

Dr. H (radiation oncologist) was again very disappointed in the appearance of the surgical site/breast tissue this morning. Too swollen. Need to get that stuff out of there before we can do this. Oh, sorry, the surgeon isn't here today... will have to wait until Monday... I will have her call you today to make an appointment. (No. You. Did. Not. Just. Say. That!)

So, friends, the end result of today is this: Wendy has to have a drain placed on Monday morning to get this fluid off of there before the radiation oncologist can proceed with Phase III of this journey! It is a relatively simple procedure, but one that will require some sedation. We are also uncertain at the moment how long it will have to remain in. Her radiation oncologist is willing to move forward with marking and scheduling radiation, even with the drain, as long as the site looks better! That appointment will be rescheduled (yet again) in the near future.

Wendy is willing to do what she needs to do to stay healthy, and to put this process behind her, but she isn't very patient. I don't mean that she should be. I think she is a rock star who has carried her head so high and her attitude positive, forward-focused, and faith-filled. But she is impatient. This is a setback. We don't have "time" for setbacks! Her mental calendar is ticking away. Her goal date coming closer each day she isn't receiving radiation. And it is forever frustrating!!!! I know she is thinking..."can't I just catch a break!?" "Why does everything with me have to include a setback!?" In faith, she KNOWS SHE CAN with HIS STRENGTH. But her humanness says, "OH, FOR THE LOVE!"

Join me today in asking for an extra portion. Especially for Wendy. But also for Andy. For the kids. For her parents. But especially for Wendy. Jesus is carrying her, but oh, how she longs to just hear from Him... "I've got this. Notice my arms around you. Hear my voice. Feel my joy. We. are. almost. there. I promise."

Blessings- Kindra

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