Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Present

My kiddo, Ruby, watches Kung Fu Panda like it is her JOB. (Aunt Wendy loves to ask her what her kung fu name is.) Sometimes Disney throws some nuggets of wisdom in their movies that make some sense. I am particularly fond of this one: "Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery, but TODAY IS A GIFT. That is why it is called the PRESENT." (It's too bad if your brain doesn't read the quotes with the voice of Master Oogway though! )

Lately, I am reminded to be thankful for TODAY's blessings. A hug around the neck. A sweet text from a friend. A roof over my head. A moment of quiet. The beauty of God's creation. The list could go on and on. I pray this often for Wendy-Woo, also, that she could have eyes to see the blessings of today in the seeming chaos and mystery of tomorrow. That she could experience little moments that are like a kiss to her cheek from God. Ones that remind her He loves her and hasn't left her side.

As we head into Week 2 of Phase 2 of chemotherapy, we certainly do not know what it will hold: her lab report, her Dr. report, her side effects- all a mystery. But today, I am thankful. Thankful that my friend got to hang out and cook food with me on Saturday. Thankful that she got to doll up Ashlyn for homecoming and watch her "baby" grow up before her eyes. Thankful she taught Sunday School on Sunday. Thankful she could host small group Sunday Night. Thankful she is heading out with me in a bit to cheer on her favorite softball team. Sure- there are things to complain about. Seasons of hard parenting.  A husband with a sore back. Nasty muscle and joint aches. Mid-week treatment. Leaving her cleats at home tonight. But she won't. She rarely does. That kind of awesomeness is rare.

Thank you for praying for Wendy and her crew:

  • She has had some significant muscle and joint aches with this new medication. It is a common side effect, but we want to pray for RELIEF if not REMOVAL of this symptom! 
  • For her blood counts tomorrow, specifically her WBC, RBC and potassium, all which have been a little out of whack the last few appointments! 
  • For NO additional symptoms of chemo! 
  • For the cancer to continue to GO AWAY! 
  • For Andy, as he cares for her and the family right now (and for his back! Crazy Orange Leaf cooler!) 
  • For Ashlyn, Taylor and Lukie as they go about their jobs this week: school, church and homework! 
Thank you for your ongoing prayers, notes, texts, and love! Remember there is ORANGE GEAR available HERE if you want to wear your support! Wendy has an amazing team behind her! 

Blessings- K

Thursday, September 24, 2015

Won With Prayers

Thank you to all the prayer warriors who have been praying for Wendy's white blood cells this week. With her booster shots on Monday and Tuesday, her levels were sufficient for her to receive chemo yesterday. The treatment went well, overall, which is yet another reason to give thanks! She was a little drowsy from some medication they have to give her with treatment, but who doesn't like a little nap every now and again, especially when you are stuck in one place for several hours!? Her next treatment is currently scheduled for next Wednesday. 

In other news, these are my "Hallelujah Balloons" that we are sending to God today in thanks that...drum roll please...the Dr, can BARELY feel the area where the tumor was!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I could seriously fill the page with exclamation points, but I will spare you. Please join me in giving thanks to GOD that HE is waging AND WINNING this battle with and for Wendy! **Cue thankful tears that our wife, mom, daughter, sister, aunt, friend, co-worker, teammate, lover of root beer is STRIKING OUT CANCER!!

Please continue to pray for Andy and Wendy in this season. The next 12 weeks hold a lot of weight in time, waiting, and uncertainty. Let us remember to encourage them as the seasons change, her needs frequently at the forefront of our minds. Specifically now, let's pray for them as the normal aspects of life's demands continue in the face of cancer: parenting (oy vey, parenting), work demands, household chores, ministry, and did I mention parenting!? 

  • Pray for Ashlyn: for school, for friendships, for good health, for her ministries at church, and for God to give her peace over worries and uncertainties in her heart.
  • Pray for Taylor: for school, for friendships, for ongoing stability of her medical needs, for church and for God to touch her heart in a special way. 
  • Pray for Luke: for school (which he loves!), for friendships, for good health, and for God to watch over his precious heart.  
  • Continue to pray for Wendy's health needs: her counts to remain stable, NO SIDE EFFECTS, NO SICKNESS, and for the chemo to continue working! 
  • Continue to pray for Andy: the weight of care-giving (you know, the one we mostly self-impose) is sometimes more than we think we can bear. Andy is doing a great job being a husband, dad, and receiver of the brunt of worries, but we need to lift him up and encourage him often!
  • Pray for Hal and Nancy: Hal is quickly approaching retirement, and Nancy continues to be persistently at Wendy's side; pray for them both as they support their daughter. 
  • Pray for one another: we are all affected by this illness in one way or another, and some it touches deeply. We are Wendy's posse, and the posse must pray for one another! 

Blessings! K

(P.S. Ordered bracelets went out in the mail! T-Shirts are on order and will be mailed soon! If you haven't ordered your Wendy-Woo Wear, visit the store today!!!) 

Monday, September 21, 2015

The Deep End of Faith

Days like today are those where God is pushing us to the deep end of our faith. Ones where we are challenged to remember He is good. He is for us. He loves us. He is mighty to save. His ways are higher. Specifically, His delays are not denials.

Wendy was not able to receive chemo today, as her white blood count was too low to receive it safely. It was certainly a disappointment for her. She had to receive a booster shot today (for her WBC), and will receive another tomorrow in hopes that treatment can occur on Wednesday. Our white blood cells protect us against illness, and when they are too low, we are at an increased risk of infection. Because chemo naturally threatens the white count further, it is a no-go until they are at a healthy level. Friends, mid-week treatments are NOT on Wendy's wish list! She wants to get it DONE, so she can enjoy the weekends with her crew! But, we MUST keep the faith- God's ways are HIGHER than our ways. I loved this reminder that I found today from Daily Bread as I was searching the Word for relief of the "why Wendy, why today" questions that were circling in my head and heart this morning...

"It was natural for Martha and Mary to send for Jesus when Lazarus became seriously ill (John 11:1-3). Perhaps they looked anxiously along the road for signs of His arrival, but Jesus didn’t come. The funeral service had been over for 4 days when Jesus finally walked into town (v.17).

Martha was blunt. “If You had been here,” she said, “my brother would not have died” (v.21). Then her faith flickered into certainty, “Even now I know that whatever You ask of God, God will give You” (v.22). I wonder what she expected. Lazarus was dead, and she was wary about opening the tomb. And yet at a word from Jesus, Lazarus’ spirit returned to his decaying body (vv.41-44). Jesus had bypassed simply healing His sick friend, in order to perform the far greater miracle of bringing him back to life. Waiting for God’s timing may also give us a greater miracle than we had hoped for."

My Savior hears me when I pray,
Upon His Word I calmly rest;
In His own time, in His own way,
I know He’ll give me what is best. —Hewitt

Let's thank God tonight for giving Wendy her best chance at striking out cancer, for giving her HIS best. Time spent waiting on God is never wasted. Our faith is far more valuable than gold. Whether today, or Wednesday, He is working and worthy of our praise.

Please specifically pray for: 
  • Wendy's white blood cell count! NO MORE DELAY'S and NO ILLNESS!
  • NO SIDE EFFECTS with this chemotherapy! 
  • PRAISE for an increase in Wendy's red blood count after her recent transfusion. It is amazing how much better you feel when your body is receiving oxygen!
  • Wendy's heart as she faces trials, disappointments and discouragements. 
  • Andy as he cares for Wendy through these trials, as well as his care over his family and work.
  • Ashlyn, Taylor and Luke as they each deal with life in their own ways, and for Andy and Wendy as they parent them with their best during this time. 
  • Andy and Wendy's families and friends to have eyes to see their needs and encourage them often! 
Many blessings! I will update you soon! In the meantime, wear orange (or buy orange in the store). Send a text or a note. Drink a root beer in solidarity. Pray. Most of all, pray.


Saturday, September 19, 2015

I Am Doing a New Thing

...thus says the Lord who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters. 

In light of Wendy starting a new treatment on Monday morning, I have been sensing this Scripture in my spirit. Phase I is behind her, a closed door. Phase II before her, and I choose to believe in it a promise; God is already there, and He promises to stay. He promises to move. His work will cause us to praise Him. He is faithful, and on Monday morning at 8 am, His mercies will be new. Have hope; for behold, I am doing a new thing. 

Lord, thank you for your promises in Scripture. Thank you for your never-ending, never-earned grace through Jesus Christ. Thank you for placing your loving arms around the one we love, Wendy-Woo. Thank you for holding her up and carrying her during times she is too weary to walk. Thank you for selecting a helpmate for her whom you have equipped to love her in a way only Andy can, and thank you for holding him up when he feels like he cannot serve her adequately. Thank you for the three special children who call her mom, and for all the ways you are tending to their hearts. Thank you for teaching all of us what being a Christ-follower means when times are scary and uncertain. Thank you for the way you love us when we are hard pressed, and for the armor you surround us with when we feel consumed. We cannot be crushed. We will trust the truth of this Scripture over our feelings- great is your faithfulness. In the name of Jesus Christ- we will look forward in hopeful anticipation of this NEW THING- victory over cancer! And, in the meantime we will remain alert to what you are doing, with a willingness to be refined, that when it is time we will shout your PRAISE. Amen.

Wendy-Woo, my sister, be brave. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for you. God is opening a new door on Monday morning, and the devil cannot shut it. Our all-powerful God is preparing for victory. Phase II, strike 2, here we come! 


Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Wendy-Woo Wear is HERE!

The shopping cart for Wendy-Woo Wear is LIVE TODAY! Can I get a whoot whoot!?

If you are interested in supporting Wendy by sporting a new (Orange) Team Wendy-Woo Strikes Out Cancer t-shirt or bracelet, please follow the link to place your order TODAY!

Get Your Wendy-Woo Wear HERE!

You may either use the secure, online shopping cart, or print the paper order form, also available on the website! Team Wendy-Woo bracelets are available for IMMEDIATE delivery or shipment, and t-shirts are in "pre-order" mode, and expected in about 2 weeks!

Thanks for your ongoing support of Wendy and crew! Both of these items will publicly declare your prayers on her behalf! All proceeds will be donated to the Helton family.

Wendy had a great weekend, and has felt well after her transfusion! It was a full few days, with new glasses for Taylor, a birthday party for Luke and a HUGE milestone for Luke on Sunday- his baptism! Praising God that Wendy felt good enough to accomplish all that celebration! (And teach Sunday School...And attend the family picnic after church...And host small group...PHEW!!!!)

Wendy has this week "off" from therapies, and will start chemo the morning of Monday, September 21st! Looking forward to sporting all our Wendy-Woo Wear as we cheer her on through this next phase of chemotherapy!

Blessings! Kindra

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Wendy's Aaron and Hur

Today didn't go quite as Wendy had expected, or how we had prayed. Wendy's hemoglobin did not miraculously increase over the past week. In fact, it decreased again significantly- so much that it is impressive she is upright! I teased her today that she has a pet vampire living under her bed! Needless to say, she earned herself a seat in the infusion chair today for a transfusion. The procedure took about 3 hours, and went smoothly. There are no anticipated (negative) side-effects, and she shouldn't have to return to the Dr. until her next appointment on the 21st. 

In the meantime, I suspect she will feel like a million bucks tomorrow considering how low her counts were, but in the meantime, it was a tough pill to swallow. Every delivery of "hard news" is a reminder to Andy and Wendy that things aren't the way they planned or hoped. A reminder of the fact that there is cancer in her body. A reminder that cancer is stealing from them. These are hard moments with tears, when our hearts are screaming on the inside and quite possibly out loud too! We KNOW God has a perfect plan, that He has NOT looked away. (Quite possibly today the plan is that she will FEEL better.) However the human emotion of disappointment is not quite so easily explained away...

When I texted with her this afternoon to see how she was doing, she responded that she was doing well-mom on one side and dad on the other. (Andy was with her this am too!) It immediately brought to my mind the story of Aaron and Hur in the book of Exodus. The Israelites were facing their first major battle in the wilderness, Joshua leading the troops. Moses had realized, as he watched from a nearby hill, that when he lifted his arms (and staff) toward God, Joshua and his army were winning the battle. If he lowered them, they began losing. Eventually, Moses became weary, and so Aaron and Hur responded by holding up his arms until the Israelites were able to finally defeat their enemies. Moses was a hero in this story, and his strength came from accepting help from his friends- two men God had ordained to be with him on that hill. 

At this point in the battle, both Andy and Wendy have days, like today, where it feels like holding up their hands toward the heavens is simply too much to bear. They KNOW God is waging war for them against cancer, but the fight is exhausting. God has ordained our friendship- the ability, the privilege, the responsibility of standing alongside Andy and Wendy on this battlefield, so that on days like these, we can say sit, rest, let us hold you up. Your intercessions to God on their behalf are heard. Your texts, calls and Facebook notes are each a tangible reminder that they are not alone. You are Wendy's Aaron and Hur. Though the battle wages on, her victory is certain.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Worship Wednesday with Wendy-Woo (and liver and kale...)

We have been trying for a week to sell Wendy on the miraculous powers of the foods above: liver and kale. She has been on a dietary quest to boost her red blood count (as we have been praying for those bad boys to multiply!) and these two superfoods are tops on the list. Unfortunately they are not tops on hers! The girl has her limits! 

Wendy heads in tomorrow morning to have her labs re-checked and see her oncologist. Of course, we are hopeful that these labs will have rebounded a bit since last week, thus warding off the dreaded t-word (transfusion)! Let's be on our knees tonight and in the morning for a GOOD Hemoglobin level! 

As you are praying, also continue to pray for: 
  • Wendy's infection to continue to heal. Her skin is looking much better despite the little hissy fit her body wanted to have with the antibiotics she was taking for it. Thankfully, both the allergic reaction and infection are significantly improved, and Wendy-Woo earned a new note on her allergy sticker. Just want to pray that it stays away!! 
  • Wendy's general physical and emotional health. I am sure you read her post yesterday, and needless to say it has been a hard week, both physically and emotionally. Between her chemo treatment last Thursday, and the surprise medication reaction on Saturday, there were several days in a row that Wendy didn't have the opportunity to leave home, and it made her stir crazy! She wants to be smart and care for her body, but again, the girl has limits! It is hard to say no to family, to friends, to church, and it goes against every stubborn grain in her body! Pray for peace to overwhelm her spirit in this season, when she has to say no to things when her heart cries YES. Her "not this time" is critical to a thousand "yeses" in her future!
  • Andy as he continues to juggle a very busy work season, church and family as well as caring for and being at Wendy's side. 
  • Ashlyn, Taylor and Luke as they continue with their school, church, and home commitments. (News flash: Tay Tay has new glasses on the way that she is most proud of! Look for that cutie photo coming soon! AND- Wendy got to share her testimony with the technician as they were picking them out- super God story- just another way God uses cancer to spread the message of His GRACE to others...) 
Wendy will start Phase II of chemotherapy on September 21st. This will mark treatment 1 of 12 weekly treatments. These infusions are a little bit longer in duration, so lets start praying now for patience! (initially she was told a 5 hour infusion, after her lab and Dr. appointment so it has the fixin's for a long day!) We are looking forward to that day in December when we can celebrate Phase II behind her!!!!!

Thanks for your continued support and love toward Wendy and her family during this time. I couldn't possibly overestimate how much it has meant to them. Thanks also to all who supported the online Origami Own and Thirty-One Fundraisers held by her sweet friends, Erica Kerr and Brooke Barton. Your individual ways of letting her know she is loved, supported, prayed for, cheered on, and NOT ALONE during this time are so important; please continue!!! 

In honor of worship Wednesday, please take a few moments to enjoy this song and pray for the Helton family. Jesus Christ is on His throne. In His presence, fear is silent. He has overcome; He wears the Victor's Crown. One day soon, you will too, my sister, my friend! 

Blessings- K

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It's Wendy again....

Time for a post because I just saw a Breast Cancer commercial that hit me hard & now I'm sitting here crying.  Its the one where the woman receives the phone call...the dreaded phone call!
      The past few days have been very hard for me!  Last Wednesday I had an infection in which the sweet nurse practioner (seriously she was very kind) I saw said no chemo.  Thankfully the crazy strong antibiotics worked & I was able to get chemo on Thursday.  However the antibiotics they sent me home with I had a allergic reaction too & had to take Benadryl which knocked me out!  Needless to say I spent the whole weekend on the couch!  I'm also trying to get those red blood cells up!!  I've googled foods I can eat to help with that & TRYING to eat!!  I just can't eat red meat & kale!  I go back in on Thursday to have my blood drawn again.  If my red blood cell levels aren't up then the talk is a blood transfusion.  PLEASE pray that my red blood cells are on rise!!!
      I am not a good patient & I hate missing out on things that I'm involved in.  This past month I've had to take a break from my normal & rest.  Please pray for my patience & just peace...resting is very hard for me!  Thank you everyone who has prayed, emailed, texted, sent a card, prepared a meal or a gift card and just loved on me & my family these past 2 1/2 months.  We are just blown away with the love & generousity that has been shown!   Even though daily I have my "I hate cancer" moments I am reminded how blessed I am with amazing family, friends and a God who hasn't left my side!!!  

Thursday, September 3, 2015

He said YES!

Thank you for your prayers for Wendy and crew over the past 48 hours. Her oncologist gave her the green light for chemo today, so she is headed to the infusion center! I never thought I'd see the day we were celebrating chemo, but here we are. Thankful for God's healing and provision- one step closer to STRIKING OUT CANCER! 

Please continue to pray for Wendy over the next several days as she battles against the side effects and fatigue following treatment! Continue, also, to pray for rebound of her Red Blood Count! She will head back in on Monday to check it. 

We have every reason to believe that both our prayers and the chemotherapy are working. The tumor has shrunk in size and the affected lymph node is almost undetectable to touch! Praising Jesus today from whom all blessings flow! 


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Time to PRAY

I know we all prayed last night for a stellar treatment day today for Wendy, but things did not quite go as planned. (Well- things went exactly as God had planned, but not so much as we had planned!)

Wendy was not able to receive her chemo today, as her oncologist was concerned about her skin rash, specifically the spot nearest her port, and one on her scalp. He thought it best to treat the infection before proceeding with the next round of chemo.

Sooooooo....needless to say, Wendy's day began with a HUGE amount of disappointment. Delays are NOT part of the (her) plan! She received an IV infusion of antibiotics, as well as an oral antibiotic to continue at home. The Dr. will recheck her infected areas tomorrow, and IF they look better, she maybe able to proceed with her treatment!!

Tonight, we are going to pray BOLDLY for immediate healing of this infection on her skin so there are no further delays in Phase I of chemo!

Also, please pray BOLDLY for her red blood count. As I mentioned yesterday, it was a little low before her last treatment, and it is slightly lower now. This level puts a blood transfusion in the realm of possibility. Please pray for the levels to go up on their own, as well as for clarity over the right next step for her if they do not! Transfusions are just a little weird to have to say "yes" to!

Finally, please pray peace over Wendy's heart. Interruptions in her mental calendar are HARD. She desperately wants to be well for her family and to be present for the things that are important to them. Each delay threatens that desire, and is hard to accept. We all know that sometimes God says "not yet"; He uses that response to test our patience, our trust, and sometimes He uses it for our own protection. He calls us to remember that His ways are not always our ways. Yet, despite our trust in these truths, delays are hard to accept! (Pray also for Andy as he loves and cares for her during these hard days. Even as a friend, my heart physically aches in the moments I can't just "fix" this for her, and I can only imagine the desire intensified for him.)

Thanks for praying boldly and specifically tonight; and, thank you for the hundreds of you who are offering regular encouragement! It's days like today those words are felt and appreciated more than you know! Keep it up!

Blessings, K

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Treatment No. 4

The last of 4 treatments is here! In so many ways, a reason to celebrate! Phase I of Chemotherapy *almost* behind her! Tomorrow, Wendy will undergo treatment no. four in this first phase of chemo treatments. (As a reminder, she will continue chemo, Phase II, beginning in 2 weeks, with a new weekly therapy for 12 weeks. But, for now, we are praying for this milestone!!!)

I come to you tonight asking for your earnest prayer! Let us NOT grow weary in taking our requests to God on behalf of Wendy and her family!
  • Pray for Wendy's red blood cells. They were slightly low before her last treatment (an indication of possible anemia). These little boogers are important- they help carry oxygen where it needs to go. Low levels contribute to fatigue (which she hates), and shortness of breath, among other things. We want them to be NORMAL!
  • Pray for Wendy's white blood cells. These have remained within normal limits since her first treatment, and she does receive a "booster" for these little guys with each treatment, but they are SUPER important to her health, and we are going to keep praying for them! As long as they remain normal, she can receive treatments as scheduled and be around us germ-carriers, both of which are important to me!
  • Pray for Wendy's skin- she has had a little rash off and on (could be sun exposure, could be a side effect), but itching is the worst! Pray for CLEAR skin! 
  • Pray for Wendy's nutrition and rest. Eating is still a fight- not because she is nauseated or sick, PRAISE, but her appetite and taste buds are not on her side right now! Pray that her weight would be maintained and her nutritional needs met! (And maybe for her family (speaking to myself) not to make her nuts about it, lol :) Pray that sleep would come easy and be uninterrupted. 
  • Pray for Wendy's endurance! This woman has been a ROCKSTAR keeping up with her family and her commitments, but this last treatment has the potential to wear her out a bit more. I have seen the calendar! She doesn't have time for tired! Pray for supernatural energy; that she doesn't have to miss out on the things she wants to do! (and that she has the smarts to REST when she needs it) I know this is one of the most important desires of her heart. 
  • Pray for NO SICKNESS with this treatment!  Let's NOT put our guard down on this! 
  • Pray for Andy as he continues to care for Wendy and his family during this time. 
  • Pray for Ashlyn, Taylor and Luke as they balance school and church, as well as for understanding when mom just can't do everything! **BONUS- it's Luke's birthday this week! 
  • Pray for Andy and Wendy's parents and extended family. 
It isn't lost on me that as we approach treatment number four, Wendy's go to verses are on my heart, both found in the fourth chapter of Philippians: 

Tonight, I am asking that we bind together and, with thanksgiving in our hearts, present these requests to God.

I am so thankful for my friend. So many times and in so many ways, I have seen the grace of God shine through her these past few months. Cancer has not corroded her faith. Cancer has not quieted her testimony. Cancer has not stifled her laughter. Cancer has not killed her work ethic. Cancer has not earned a place in line over motherhood. Courage is winning. Christ is winning. Wendy is winning. Much love to all of you cheering her on! Cheer loud tomorrow! 

Blessings- Kindra

BTW, (and totally worth mentioning!) KARI JOBE emailed Wendy last week! And not just a publicist, stock email either! WHATEVER (be jealous) -she is officially famous.