Saturday, September 19, 2015

I Am Doing a New Thing

...thus says the Lord who made a way through the sea, a path through the mighty waters. 

In light of Wendy starting a new treatment on Monday morning, I have been sensing this Scripture in my spirit. Phase I is behind her, a closed door. Phase II before her, and I choose to believe in it a promise; God is already there, and He promises to stay. He promises to move. His work will cause us to praise Him. He is faithful, and on Monday morning at 8 am, His mercies will be new. Have hope; for behold, I am doing a new thing. 

Lord, thank you for your promises in Scripture. Thank you for your never-ending, never-earned grace through Jesus Christ. Thank you for placing your loving arms around the one we love, Wendy-Woo. Thank you for holding her up and carrying her during times she is too weary to walk. Thank you for selecting a helpmate for her whom you have equipped to love her in a way only Andy can, and thank you for holding him up when he feels like he cannot serve her adequately. Thank you for the three special children who call her mom, and for all the ways you are tending to their hearts. Thank you for teaching all of us what being a Christ-follower means when times are scary and uncertain. Thank you for the way you love us when we are hard pressed, and for the armor you surround us with when we feel consumed. We cannot be crushed. We will trust the truth of this Scripture over our feelings- great is your faithfulness. In the name of Jesus Christ- we will look forward in hopeful anticipation of this NEW THING- victory over cancer! And, in the meantime we will remain alert to what you are doing, with a willingness to be refined, that when it is time we will shout your PRAISE. Amen.

Wendy-Woo, my sister, be brave. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for you. God is opening a new door on Monday morning, and the devil cannot shut it. Our all-powerful God is preparing for victory. Phase II, strike 2, here we come! 


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