Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Wendy-Woo Wear is HERE!

The shopping cart for Wendy-Woo Wear is LIVE TODAY! Can I get a whoot whoot!?

If you are interested in supporting Wendy by sporting a new (Orange) Team Wendy-Woo Strikes Out Cancer t-shirt or bracelet, please follow the link to place your order TODAY!

Get Your Wendy-Woo Wear HERE!

You may either use the secure, online shopping cart, or print the paper order form, also available on the website! Team Wendy-Woo bracelets are available for IMMEDIATE delivery or shipment, and t-shirts are in "pre-order" mode, and expected in about 2 weeks!

Thanks for your ongoing support of Wendy and crew! Both of these items will publicly declare your prayers on her behalf! All proceeds will be donated to the Helton family.

Wendy had a great weekend, and has felt well after her transfusion! It was a full few days, with new glasses for Taylor, a birthday party for Luke and a HUGE milestone for Luke on Sunday- his baptism! Praising God that Wendy felt good enough to accomplish all that celebration! (And teach Sunday School...And attend the family picnic after church...And host small group...PHEW!!!!)

Wendy has this week "off" from therapies, and will start chemo the morning of Monday, September 21st! Looking forward to sporting all our Wendy-Woo Wear as we cheer her on through this next phase of chemotherapy!

Blessings! Kindra

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