Tuesday, September 8, 2015

It's Wendy again....

Time for a post because I just saw a Breast Cancer commercial that hit me hard & now I'm sitting here crying.  Its the one where the woman receives the phone call...the dreaded phone call!
      The past few days have been very hard for me!  Last Wednesday I had an infection in which the sweet nurse practioner (seriously she was very kind) I saw said no chemo.  Thankfully the crazy strong antibiotics worked & I was able to get chemo on Thursday.  However the antibiotics they sent me home with I had a allergic reaction too & had to take Benadryl which knocked me out!  Needless to say I spent the whole weekend on the couch!  I'm also trying to get those red blood cells up!!  I've googled foods I can eat to help with that & TRYING to eat!!  I just can't eat red meat & kale!  I go back in on Thursday to have my blood drawn again.  If my red blood cell levels aren't up then the talk is a blood transfusion.  PLEASE pray that my red blood cells are on rise!!!
      I am not a good patient & I hate missing out on things that I'm involved in.  This past month I've had to take a break from my normal & rest.  Please pray for my patience & just peace...resting is very hard for me!  Thank you everyone who has prayed, emailed, texted, sent a card, prepared a meal or a gift card and just loved on me & my family these past 2 1/2 months.  We are just blown away with the love & generousity that has been shown!   Even though daily I have my "I hate cancer" moments I am reminded how blessed I am with amazing family, friends and a God who hasn't left my side!!!  

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