Wednesday, June 1, 2016

What a Journey...

Well I realize that I waited a while to post after my final treatment and its been a crazy, busy two weeks since.  On May 16th I rang the FINAL bell and got my little certificate & flower saying I am done with treatment.  I can't begin to tell you what an emotional day it was!  A day of excitement, smiles, laughes, tears, questions, hugs, goodbyes, etc.  My days of going to Siteman everyday are done...I'm not complaining but I am truly going to miss my nurses & doctors.  Every single person there was a huge blessing to my life!  Of course I will be back to visit...I still have to have blood work, check ups, etc.  
I have truly struggled with how to say thanks to everyone who has been there for me & my family this past year.  Andy & I at first tried so hard to do everything on our own and it literally became impossible.  Andy has been the absolute best during all of this.  He saw the behind the 'I'm doing great' Wendy to the mad, angry, sobbing, sick, mean, hateful, etc. Wendy!  He was definitely a trooper during it all!  My kids too...absolute rock stars!!  To find out their mom has cancer at the beginning of the summer and have their summer ruined and to rock it through the school year!  They helped me out, sat with me, cried with me & just loved on mom!  My parents...they just did whatever!  Helped out with kids, went to dr appointments, treatments, brought over food, rides, etc.  They loved on their baby girl and encouraged me the entire way!  My brother Trey, Allison & family who would conitually check on me, got sweet pictures of them wearing their cancer shirts out of support, meals, rides, etc.  My best friend Kindra who kept everyone up to date on the blog because that would of never happened with me!  She set up meals, tshirts, bracelets, etc (all of which was so hard to say yes too).  She too listened to me cry, be sad, mad, etc.  My other friends & family who would send cards, texts, emails, fb messages, lunches, meals, gift cards, prayers, etc.-WOW did we feel the love!  I am truly blessed with amazing family, friends, church family, my softball ladies, kids school familes, etc.  Thank you to each one of you for being a part of this interruption in our life.
I also wanted to wait for today to post because today is also another BIG day....I CAN DRIVE!!!!  I haven't driven in six months!!  This is a long story as to why and if you didn't know you didn't miss anything I just didn't want anyone to feel sorry for me or honestly that I wasn't capable of doing life!  I kept being wife & mom, serving at church & school, working and whatever else needed to be done!  But today its like I'm 16 all over again!!  Another big thing for me is that I've been given the all clear to play ball!!!!  Woohoo!!!  Crush I'll be back!!
Thanks to you all...I'm blessed!

Sunday, May 15, 2016



Tomorrow morning this is happening!!! 

Pray for NO roadblocks! 

Ahhhhhhhhh! This. is. really. happening. I know Wendy-Woo is probably dealing with a lot of nervous anticipation tonight. It's hard to get excited when you are worried about the "what if's". So pray for a peaceful, restful sleep, and for her morning tomorrow!! 

We look forward to celebrating with everyone!!!!!!!!! Strike 3 coming in the am!!!!!!!!!!!


Friday, May 13, 2016

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

The Countdown: 3

Just a little note: 

Wendy-Woo is down to 3! 3! 3! radiation treatments (did I mention, only 3!?) 

Please continue to pray, pray, pray for her skin. This past week has really wrecked havoc with Wendy's neck and upper chest. It is red, raw, painful, bleeding, and itchy. It makes anything (everything) hard to do, including sleep! The physicians reassure her this is "normal" for this stage of treatment but we are boldly praying for FAST restoration of healthy skin!!! Of course, you probably won't hear her complain or see her stop!!! I am so incredibly awed by her attitude and her perseverance. Despite fatigue and significant discomfort, she just keeps going! Serving. Caring. Working. Mom-ing. Wife-ing. Amazing! 

Pray also for her labs, which she will have rechecked on Monday- Vitamin D and  platelets specifically! 

Finally, pray for supernatural ENERGY to make it through these LAST. 3. TREATMENTS! 3! 3! 3! Almost there! Surreal, isn't it!? Let's celebrate by counting down! Stay tuned... 

Blessings- K

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Everything Beautiful...

The time is coming... it is surreal to even consider it. The opportunity to say, "He has restored beauty and wellness to our friend, Wendy-Woo. He has made everything beautiful in its time..."

9!! 9 radiation treatments remaining until we can utter, shout, scream it from the rooftops..."YOU ARE DONE!! YOU STRUCK OUT BREAST CANCER!" Folks- that is less than 2 hands worth! 

It has been a bit overwhelming to recount where we were 309 days ago and how we were feeling. Sadness. Anger. Fear. Shock. Uncertainty. Confusion. But, seasons pass, God remains unmoved on His throne, and He never, ever, breaks His promises. To everything there is a season...a time...a purpose, under Heaven. So today, after watching the passing of 3 seasons, preparing to head back into summer, the time when this journey began, we celebrate what He has faithfully brought Wendy through, and we continue cheering with hopeful anticipation for the 2 weeks that lie ahead, and the restoration of EVERYTHING BEAUTIFUL! 

Please, please, please do NOT cease in prayer! It is as critical now as it ever was!!! God hears us when we cry out to Him: 
  • Pray for Wendy's skin. The effects of the radiation are in full force on her skin. It is very uncomfortable, and her medical team is doing everything they can to keep her comfortable for these remaining treatments! Pray that the breakdown would STOP, and HEAL quickly! Pray for supernatural comfort! 
  • Pray for Wendy's WBC (remember those little boogers!) and her platelets. Her lab results this week were a bit too low for comfort. Dr. P (medical oncologist) elected NOT to halt radiation (SUCH A SMART MAN!) and will recheck her levels in a couple weeks. No intervention is required yet, and we are praying for these levels to rebound on their own!! Pray for Wendy's health while her immunity is slightly suppressed. 
  • Pray for Wendy's additional labs- she is waiting for the GREEN LIGHT to drive. This would alleviate a HUGE amount of stress on their family. Pray for peace and clarity over that decision.
  • Pray for NO DELAYS in the finalization of Wendy's treatments. She is a bit off schedule due to some equipment problems, and we will have NO MORE of that! (Otherwise, someone may get punched in the face!)
  • Pray for Wendy next week as the intensity and location of her radiation changes for the last 5 treatments. This "turbo" radiation is a bit more purposed and targeted. They started placement practice for this therapy today. 
  • Pray for Taylor, as she has had some additional health issues. Her most recent Dr. appointment was very encouraging, and we continue to pray for complete healing! 
  • Pray for Andy as he continues to work and care for his family during this time. 
  • Pray for Ashlyn, Taylor and Luke as they head into the last weeks of school!
  • Pray for Nancy and Hal as they continue to support Wendy, as well as for Nancy as she prepares for her upcoming knee replacement surgery. 
  • Finally, since this is near to Wendy's heart, please pray for our dear friend Jan as she heads into the hospital Thursday to have her kidney removed. Dr's suspect that the mass which has taken over her right kidney is cancerous, but we BOLDLY pray this cancer is CONTAINED and REMOVED during this procedure. Jan is one of our best friends, and we appreciate your prayers on her behalf. 
As we close in on this final stretch, let us not grow weary. The harvest is upon us. Do not lose heart. Strike 3 is coming!! 

Blessings! K

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

A look back...

So today marked #16 of radiation which means I only have 17 more to go!!!  I honestly couldn't be more excited for May 13th when I have my FINAL radiation treatment & we are DONE!!  I sat today reading through the blogs since July of this overwhelming journey.  I can not begin to tell you how thankful we (my family & myself) are for our amazing family & friends who have battled this nasty disease with us.  This has been a very difficult year for our family.  We've battled some medical problems with Taylor and then got hit in June with my cancer.  Even though the Helton's should be celebrating in Disney right now we take comfort in knowing that through it all God has had a plan.  We are planning a celebration trip in September (or else Taylor will be MAD!)  God has wrapped us up and walked along side us through this storm.  We are ready though to be done with it all!!

So some prayers...

  • My skin - its starting to itch BAD!!  I'm on meds and its driving me crazy.  
  • My endurance & strength!  I am doing pretty good of resting when I need too!
  • My patience - I am ready to play softball & drive (June 11th)!!  Due to a medical setback my license was taken away for 6 months.  Don't worry if you didn't know because alot of people didn't!!  I don't want sympathy or anything.  
  • My sweet family!  Andy & the kids!  Andy is working hard at work & at home.  The kids are ready for momma to be done.  My sweet Ashlyn has her permit so we are learning to drive!  Please continue to pray for Taylor's health.  We are trying some new meds and not seeing the change like we'd hoped.  The end of school is very near pray all three...Ashlyn, Taylor & Luke can end strong!
  • Mom & Dad...I know its been hard on them watching their daughter go through this.  They have been amazing these past few months (well my whole life)!!  My mom has been my other set of ears at Dr appointments, etc.  Dad has been my ride & getting me a rootbeer for our trip!
  • My friends who continually offer to help out whenever and bring in my cra cra!!

Thank you to everyone who has again walked with our family!!  From prayers, calls, meals, texts, emails, a visit, the shirts & braclets (wearing them in my honor), fundraiser, running in my honor, cards, voting for me as MLB Honorary Bat Girl, letting me vent (cry, yell, scream, repeat), neighbors who've helped out with kids, my work who have been amazing, colored pictures from my KidZone Kids and thank you for the taxi service that so many have provided.  I am not one who likes to ask for help but with this stupid cancer I've learned that I can't do it all on my own.

Soon my story will close but people start this battle daily!  SO ladies please go to your doctors!!


Friday, April 8, 2016

Ten in the Bed...

For whatever reason, the most likely being I have a preschooler, I have had the "Ten in the Bed" song in my head since Wendy-Woo started her radiation treatments last week! Every day, one gets crossed off the list..."there were 33 in the bed and the little one said, 'roll over, roll over'. So they all rolled over and one fell out...there were 32 in the bed and the little one said..." You get the idea!

So the number tonight... 25!! Only 25 more times Wendy has to lay on that skinny little, hard as a rock table worrying about not falling off! (The radiation room is a super-nice, state of the art facility, but the table she has to lay on during each treatment for 15-20 minutes leaves a little to be desired!) No "comfy" is allowed when the laser placement accuracy is so important!!
So far, things are going well. Wendy met with her radiation oncologist Monday who said she was doing great! There were some questions and discussions about what to possibly expect as things progressed a little further down the road, but we are choosing to believe that our powerful GOD is standing in the gap between Wendy and any possible side effects for as long as possible! 

Please continue to pray for: 
  • the health of Wendy's skin- NO redness, blisters, burns, peeling or sensitivity! 
  • Wendy's overall health and energy levels! NO fatigue.
  • Generally, NO SIDE EFFECTS! 
  • the stability of Wendy's medication and lab levels. 
  • Wendy's family as they endure the reality of daily trips to Siteman.
Thank you for your ongoing support!! We will continue to knock those little boogers off one by one in the weeks ahead!! Keep watching for the countdown to Strike 3 in STRIKING OUT BREAST CANCER! 

Speaking of "Striking Out Breast Cancer"...are you still voting each day for our FAVORITE St. Louis Cardinals Bat Girl Candidate?? Follow the link to vote daily!! 

Also, for additional financial support opportunities for Team Wendy-Woo on this final leg of the battle, join Wendy's Aunt (Wendy) as she participates in the Go Short Go Long Challenge this weekend on behalf of Team Wendy-Woo!! You can read more about their effort or donate here: 

Blessings! Kindra

Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Hey friends! Wendy is entered into MLB's "Hornorary Bat Girl" contest! MLB is joining the fight against Breast Cancer, and who better to celebrate with her St. Louis Cardinals than Wendy-Woo!? 

You can visit the site daily to cast your vote!! Share with friends to vote too!! Our votes count for 10% of the contest judging, so every one will count!   Just follow the link to cast your vote today! 

Thanks for joining Team Wendy-Woo to create a special memory for our favorite survivor!!! 

Blessings! Kindra

Who's Ready for Strike Three!?

Today is the day! Wendy is raring back to pitch STRIKE 3 @ breast cancer! She will head in this afternoon for the "mock run" of her impending 33 intensive radiation treatments! On May 13, 2016, we hope to hear the magic words: "STEEEEERRRRIIIIIIIKKKKKKKE 3! Cancer's OUT!" 

Tomorrow afternoon, Wendy will (officially) begin her 20-minute per day radiation treatments on her left breast. Due to the location of her tumor and its proximity to her heart and lungs, her radiation oncologist has recommended this intensity-modulated form of radiation therapy- it allows them to more accurately deliver higher doses of radiation to the concerning tissue without as much negative effect on her surrounding tissues (in this case, her heart and lung). This therapy is a bit more precise, but does take a bit longer! 

Please be in prayer for Wendy today and in the coming weeks! Daily trips to St. Peters from Lake St. Louis over the next 6 1/2 weeks will get old quickly! Additionally, please pray for NO SIDE EFFECTS from radiation!!! Those of particular concern will be tiredness, fatigue, and skin breakdown in the area of treatment (including redness, sensitivity, swelling, dryness, peeling, blistering or burning!). Additionally, we pray that she remains healthy and for NO DELAY'S IN TREATMENT! Please also pray for safety each day on the road for Wendy and family accompanying her! 

Thank you for joining me in prayer for Team Wendy-Woo! As we enter this final stage of treatment, 274 days after the news that this fight would begin, I am filled with HOPE. The Easter season reminded me that Jesus is victorious. He is the victor over death. He is the victor over Satan. He is the victor over cancer. He is on His throne and Wendy is MORE than a conqueror! The BEST IS YET TO COME! 

Blessings!! Kindra

Monday, March 14, 2016

Behind the Silence

So...there have been a couple weeks of silence on my part. But there is oh, so much, behind the silence. Sometimes you just don't know what to say. Sometimes you can't say what you want to say. Sometimes you wish there was something you could say, but you just don't know what. So you just wait.

Life is tough. Times are hard. It may not be what you see. It may not be what you hear, even if you ask her. It may not be what you read in this space. But it's there. Lurking. Behind the silence. Behind what didn't get said. Behind the "fine", "hanging in there", "can't complain". It's not anyone's fault. But it's there, and it's deeply personal. The good thing is: Jesus is there, too. Even and especially when we don't know what to say. Just say Jesus. Whisper it. Shout it. Cry it. Laugh it. Believe He is there. Believe He is listening. Believe in His promises. Believe He knows, He remembers, He ordains, and He orchestrates the milliseconds of our moments. Just. Pray. The battle is not over. 

The update: 

As you may remember, Wendy got her drain removed after receiving the "all clear" for her seroma 2 weeks ago. Her radiation oncologist wanted to be certain to give her body time to fully heal before rescheduling the casting and scheduling appointment for radiation. You know. For the 3rd time. 

This appointment is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, and I couldn't possibly stress enough that Wendy needs a GREEN LIGHT from her Dr. to get this party started! Sure, there is a little uncertainty. How will she feel? Will there be fatigue? Will her skin hold up? Oy vey- DAILY trips to the cancer center for 6 weeks. But she needs to finish this. She needs to say, "I beat cancer" and have WEEKS and MONTHS between her and another trip to Siteman Cancer Center. PRAY for a green light! No other color will do! And, while we are praying for a "GO", let's also pray for CONVENIENT appointment times and great logistics! Her appointment has to be at the same time each day, and with 3 kids and busy schedules, they would prefer 8:30am. Could you join me in praying for 8:30am!? 

Please also continue to pray for Wendy's overall health. So far, our friends sodium and potassium are behaving without supplements, and we would love for them to stay that way! She is also steadily getting some hair back. Ruby is still holding out hope that it is going to look just like hers, though an afro seems highly unlikely! Generally,Wendy is healing nicely, and feeling stronger each day. 

Pray also, specifically: 
  • for Wendy's energy level to hold strong. NO FATIGUE during radiation.
  • for Wendy's skin to remain healthy during radiation. NO RASHES, NO BURNING, NO SENSITIVITY! 
  • for convenient scheduling and easy, quick daily treatments that do not interrupt too much of their day.
  • for, generally, NO MORE CANCER!!
  • for Andy, Hal, and Nancy as they accompany her to treatments. 
  • for Andy as he balances work and family while walking alongside Wendy.
  • for the kids as Wendy enters a new, uncertain phase of treatment. New stuff is scary! 
  • for Taylor as she battles some additional health concerns, and Andy and Wendy as they care for her.
Finally, friends, just pray for the things I didn't say. The things that are just hard. The things that are just ugly. The things that are too scary to ponder. The things that are deeply personal. The things I don't even know about myself. You don't even have to know what they are. Because He does. Just say Jesus.

Blessings to each of you. You have been faithful to pray on this journey. You have been faithful to love. To be worried. To wonder. To ask. To hug. To send a note. To buy a shirt. To wear a bracelet. To tell others about this warrior friend you have. DO. NOT. STOP. Behind the silence God is still working.

K excerpt from "Behind the Scenes of Silence" by Jennifer Crawford Walker:

"Right where we are…At this very moment…On this specific day…In this exact place…During this particular season of life…God is not dormant. He is working, building, preparing, and making the way for His answer to our immediate prayers, and to our lifelong ones.

In this period of “silence”, God is working behind the scenes, setting the stage for Jesus, who will make Himself known and glorified as He changes and blesses our lives, and the lives of others, through the work He is doing this very moment – that seems silent to us.
The same is true for you today. Wherever you are…Here you are…At this very moment…On this specific day…In this exact place…During this particular season of your life… God knows, God remembers, God ordains, and God orchestrates the milliseconds of your moments.
And God is working, building, preparing, and making the way for His answer to your immediate prayers, and to your lifelong ones. He is stetting the stage for Jesus, who will Glorify Himself and bless you and those around you through the work He is doing this very moment… Even if it seems like a lot of silence to you…
May the Lord bless you and strengthen you in your times of “silence”, my friends. Because one of these days, the curtain will rise… the silence will be broken… and you and I will have some awesomely true stories to tell of all of God’s works. He will be honored by us and honored through our testimonies.
Hang in, and hang on… God is working behind the scenes of silence!
“But it is good for me to draw near to God; I have put my trust in the Lord God and made Him my refuge, that I may tell of all Your works.” Psalm 73:28

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Is There a Punch Card for This?

Four. Four times Wendy has been back to the hospital to get this drain working correctly! Four punches she would have earned on her "hospital VIP" card if there were such a thing! 

As most of you know, Wendy went in last Monday (2/8) to have a drain placed in her breast. There was a pocket of fluid accumulating there after surgery, causing swelling and discomfort. Unfortunately, removing the fluid by needle did not resolve the issue. Said swelling was really causing more of a pain in the backside (if you know what I mean) because it was causing a roadblock for the start of radiation therapy. 

This pocket of fluid, also known as a "seroma", is a non-infected pocket of fluid that "sometimes" develops after surgery. (I say "sometimes" because Wendy would say her chances were "100%" since it's just her way to be different on this journey!!) Of course, they can be little boogers to manage at times, which has been the case for Wendy the past week and a half! It went like this: 

Monday 2/8: Go to hospital. Drain is placed. Wendy is a rock star. Goes to a meeting with me at 7. 

Wednesday 2/10: Drain stops working and freaks everyone out. Thankful for a snowy night! They happened to be at home and not church for all that crazy.

Thursday 2/11: Go to hospital. Drain is clogged. Let's just start flushing it! No worries.  

Monday 2/15: Go to hospital. Replace drain completely. (Good news though, the cavity is getting smaller!) Despite the chaos. the treatment is working. Again-Wendy is a rock star. Spends the rest of the day running errands and goes to another meeting. Crazy girl. 

Wednesday 2/17: Go to hospital. New drain isn't working either! Oh, it's clogged again!? Seriously. I cannot make this stuff up. Dr. figures out problem. Wendy is a rock star. Jumps in my car as I drive by the hospital, cooks and serves dinner for nearly 100 people and helps take care of 40 kids after that! 

In the midst of all this, the tape from Wendy's dressings has managed to mangle her skin into something "unlike anything the Dr. has ever seen" (I kid you, not). That issue has been WAY more uncomfortable than dealing with the drain itself. 

So-- here we are. Still no radiation plans yet. The drain is working (today), and we are hopeful that by Monday the pocket will be closed. If not, the drain will remain in a bit longer. In the meantime, would you please pray with me: 

-- Pray for Wendy's skin. It is still raw, sore and uncomfortable from the dressing changes.
-- Pray for Wendy's seroma to heal quickly, and for them to be able to remove the drain when they are able. 
-- Pray for NO INFECTION. We want this open area to remain clean and free from bacteria! 
-- Pray for SLEEP. It can be difficult to get in a comfy sleeping position with the drain in. 
-- Pray for Wendy's labs to remain stable (remember our friends Sodium and Potassium!?)
-- Pray for the radiation plans to get underway as soon as they are able. 
-- Pray for peace and patience over Wendy as these frustrations pop up. It's just plain hard when things do not go how you "expect" (over and over and over). 
-- Pray for Andy as he continues to care for her, as well as the kids, and the rest of their family. 

Friends, Wendy is really doing WELL. I am not just saying that. Sure, there are days (or minutes everyday) when she is enormously frustrated. Discouraged. Angry. Jealous. Sad. Tired of feeling tired. BUT- man, she is a rock star. Her attitude is uplifting. Faith-filled. Hopeful. Gloriously stubborn. If I told you her schedule over the past 10 days with this ordeal, you probably wouldn't believe me. She pushes forward. Because she didn't come this far to stop now. Thanks for continuing to encourage her and pray for her. It makes a difference. YOU make a difference.

Blessings- K

"Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after another." - Walter Elliott

Friday, February 5, 2016

An Extra Portion.

Team WW, I am coming today with a humble request for a little more... a little more prayer, a little more encouragement, a little more "you can DO this!" extra portion for my friend.

As you know, Wendy had a follow up appointment with her surgeon last week, and an appointment with her medical oncologist on Monday this week. Both physicians were very pleased with her progress, and felt like things were a "GO" for the radiation oncologist to get the ball rolling toward Phase III of striking out breast cancer!

Last Thursday, her surgeon noted a little swelling at the surgical site/in the breast tissue, but reassured her and told her to call if it got "worse", thinking it was a "normal" post-op side effect. She didn't have a fever, wasn't too uncomfortable, and had been following the recommended precautions since her surgery. Great. Well done.

Her medical oncologist, Dr. P, saw her Monday, checked her labs, and noted also that things looked good. He planned to continue closely monitoring her sodium levels (because, you know, they are always a pain in the bohonkas), but also gave her a thumbs up! Great. Well done. (See a theme here?)

So, Tuesday, Wendy headed for her radiation oncology appointment in hurried anticipation of the "full workup" = getting marked and scheduled for upcoming radiation therapy. (Let's get this show on the road!) Except, sometimes things don't go how we expect. (If you ask Wendy...she would say, "Of course! Why would anything be "normal" for me!? ...insert growl...) Dr. H was not at all pleased with the way her surgical site/breast looked, as it was quite swollen. Wendy was asked to go immediately to her surgeon's office for an impromptu draining of over 250 cc of fluid (Wendy is a warrior, people. Handled this like a champ!) "No big deal", said the Dr. "It's not infected"... "just wasn't draining right"..."rest it"..."keep ice on it"..."let me know if it returns"... "we will get you back to the radiation Dr. ASAP" NO BIGGIE!

Fast forward through a VERY IMPATIENT Wednesday... (don't tell this patient you are going to call TODAY to reschedule an appointment and then not do it. Really. Never do that! I am not kidding!) Wendy finally heard (on Thursday!) from the radiation oncologist that they would see her today (Friday), planning to do what they were "supposed to do" on Tuesday. Great! (or, not.)

Dr. H (radiation oncologist) was again very disappointed in the appearance of the surgical site/breast tissue this morning. Too swollen. Need to get that stuff out of there before we can do this. Oh, sorry, the surgeon isn't here today... will have to wait until Monday... I will have her call you today to make an appointment. (No. You. Did. Not. Just. Say. That!)

So, friends, the end result of today is this: Wendy has to have a drain placed on Monday morning to get this fluid off of there before the radiation oncologist can proceed with Phase III of this journey! It is a relatively simple procedure, but one that will require some sedation. We are also uncertain at the moment how long it will have to remain in. Her radiation oncologist is willing to move forward with marking and scheduling radiation, even with the drain, as long as the site looks better! That appointment will be rescheduled (yet again) in the near future.

Wendy is willing to do what she needs to do to stay healthy, and to put this process behind her, but she isn't very patient. I don't mean that she should be. I think she is a rock star who has carried her head so high and her attitude positive, forward-focused, and faith-filled. But she is impatient. This is a setback. We don't have "time" for setbacks! Her mental calendar is ticking away. Her goal date coming closer each day she isn't receiving radiation. And it is forever frustrating!!!! I know she is thinking..."can't I just catch a break!?" "Why does everything with me have to include a setback!?" In faith, she KNOWS SHE CAN with HIS STRENGTH. But her humanness says, "OH, FOR THE LOVE!"

Join me today in asking for an extra portion. Especially for Wendy. But also for Andy. For the kids. For her parents. But especially for Wendy. Jesus is carrying her, but oh, how she longs to just hear from Him... "I've got this. Notice my arms around you. Hear my voice. Feel my joy. We. are. almost. there. I promise."

Blessings- Kindra

Sunday, January 24, 2016

And Now...the Rest of the Story.

I am no Paul Harvey, but...

Wendy was able to exhale this week with wonderful news from her team of physicians, and breast cancer took Strike 2! However, she is still up to bat and needs her team to stick it out with her in encouragement and prayer! So, here is a run down of what's next: 

- Wendy meets with her surgeon tomorrow (Monday) for a follow up from surgery. Andy and Wendy are looking forward to re-hearing the results from the surgery face to face. Another reassurance you heard and understood things correctly is always a good thing! Wendy is doing great overall post-op wise. She has obviously had some soreness, and a little swelling. She has been a champ, and (mostly) (tries to be) has been compliant with her restrictions on activity and lifting. Thanks for continuing to pray for complete healing! 

- Wendy meets with her medical oncologist on February 1st. Dr. P will just check on Wendy globally- her health, her labs, etc. Thanks for continuing to pray for her overall health and wellbeing. We want her to remain healthy- NO SICKNESS! We also want her labs to stabilize so she may soon be able to wean off the sodium and potassium supplements she has continued to take. Additionally, please pray for Wendy's skin. This cold, dry winter weather sure does take its toll! (Both making her  FREEZE and making her skin crack and itch!)

In better news, Wendy has a little peach fuzz on her head (a little dark so far!), and her brows and lashes are slowly returning too. It's a sweet little reminder that her health is being restored! 

- Finally, Wendy will meet with her radiation oncologist on February 2nd. During this appointment, they will develop a treatment plan and prepare to begin therapy. Radiation is the 3rd strike in striking out breast cancer. She will receive approximately 28 radiation treatments over 5-6 weeks. You may ask "why radiation" when her medical team is celebrating the success of her chemo and her surgery. The answer is simply: to make sure. To make sure there are no satellite cancer cells that are undetected. To make sure to optimize the treatment of her cancer. To make sure that the chances of it returning are as low as they can be! Wendy fully understands and accepts the necessity of this final phase of treatment, but it doesn't come without some trepidation. Please pray for Andy and Wendy as they develop and enter into this final phase of treatment. Her treatments are daily, which means daily trips to the hospital for 6 weeks for a somewhat short therapy (minutes a day). She is unsure how it will make her feel- both skin irritation and general fatigue are most common, so let's begin to pray against those effects on her body. Pray also that the secondary effects of radiation exposure are minimal to the rest of her body, specifically her heart and her lungs. Pray for the treatments to go forward without any delays, and for her to successfully reach the finish line! 

Please continue to pray for Andy, Wendy, Ashlyn, Taylor and Luke, as well as the rest of their extended family. Thank you for your ongoing love, notes, texts, cards, and never ending blessings...Wendy and her family are truly blessed. Please do not tire of this encouragement. The race is not yet ended! Wendy-woo is certainly fighting the good fight. Her light (HIS light in her) is shining brightly for all to see! The other side of cancer draws nearer every day.

Blessings- K

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Such Beautiful Words.

It worked.

How fabulous is that!? It worked! Chemotherapy worked. Surgery worked. There is no cancer detectable in Wendy's body. Healthy tissue, healthy lymph nodes. Cancer free. I can't speak in complete sentences because I am still trying to wrap my mind around the news! 

Yesterday we were worried the news was going to be hard. The results were taking forever. "It doesn't normally take this long." "More pathology is required." "We had to send the tissue off again." "Things still look good but we need to "make sure". And then today...the call. It's GREAT news! "The tissue looked so good we needed to make sure." IT WORKED!! Cue: TEARS. Lots and LOTS of tears. And laughing. And celebration. And more tears! God turns mourning into dancing...weeping into laughing!! 

"Then young women will dance and be glad, young men and old as well. I will turn their mourning into gladness; I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow." Jeremiah 31:13 

So...I plan to update you on the "what's next", but for now...let everything that has breath praise the Lord! 

"Praise the LORD. Praise God in his sanctuary; praise him in his mighty heavens. Pr
aise him for his acts of power; praise him for his surpassing greatness. 
Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise him with the harp and lyre, 
praise him with timbrel and dancing, praise him with the strings and pipe, 
praise him with the clash of cymbals, praise him with resounding cymbals. 
Let everything that has breath praise the LORD. Praise the LORD."

...God, you are perfect in all your ways. You're a good, good Father.  Amen.

Blessings! K

Monday, January 11, 2016

Praise the Lord!

Let everything that has breath PRAISE THE LORD! Wendy made it through her surgery with glorious flying colors! She is a MODEL patient...such a strong woman whose faith shines through in her sense of humor, her smile, her ability to roll with the unknown, her sassy attitude and constant attempts to get Andy to raise his eyebrows. I will never cease to be amazed by the strength of her testimony and the armor of God she wears for all to see. Brave. Courageous. Strong. Beautiful.

The doctor was optimistic about her procedure, and believes we have every reason to be hopeful that the cancer is GONE! She removed 2 lymph nodes, and though the borders of the area where the tumor was can be a little tricky...thinks all went as expected!

Now...we wait. For pathology. For healing. For phase III (radiation) to begin.

Please pray in the coming days:

-- for Wendy's pain control, for peace and rest, and for complete healing of her surgical site. I heard the nurses...princess treatment it is this week :) Not many restrictions, but more "take it easy's".
-- for the pathology report to bring the BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS = CLEAN BORDERS! There is no exact timeline, but they are hopeful to hear results this week.
-- for Wendy's general health, energy, and well-being. Though we celebrate these HUGE milestones... the battle wages on!
-- for Wendy's skin- this cold, dry weather is waging war on her skin! Pray for healing and for comfort!
-- for her anticipated Dr. appointments yet this month with both the surgeon (a fpllow-up) and her radiation oncologist to make plans for treatments.
-- for the anticipation of radiation starting next month. It is a daunting prospect...daily visits for many, many weeks and the stresses, fatigue, and other potential side effects that accompany! Let's storm the gates now for the most possible comfort for this process!
-- for Andy- he is a rock. I am blessed to call him friend. Please lift him up for peace, for rest, for reassurance.
-- for the kids. They were rock stars today. Ashlyn was at the hospital, and showed maturity beyond her years. It was important for her to be at her mom's side. Taylor and Luke rocked their responsibilities today, as well, despite a day out of the ordinary! Pray for them all as they "do school and church" this week.
-- for family...Hal, Nancy, Trey and family, grandma, parents far away... they all carry the worry.

Thank you for your faithful prayers today, and the TONS of encouragements sent Wendy's way. It was a JOY for her to see HER TEAM fighting in prayer for her today! You are a blessing!


Never Once...

 As we sit in waiting today...let us remember that she never walks alone.

Standing on this mountaintop
Looking just how far we've come
Knowing that for every step
You were with us

Kneeling on this battle ground
Seeing just how much You've done
Knowing every victory
Was Your power in us

Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Yes, our hearts can say

Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Kneeling on this battle ground
Seeing just how much You've done
Knowing every victory
Was Your power in us

Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Yes, our hearts can say

Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Scars and struggles on the way
But with joy our hearts can say
Never once did we ever walk alone
Carried by Your constant grace
Held within Your perfect peace
Never once, no, we never walk alone

Never once did we ever walk alone
Never once did You leave us on our own
You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Every step we are breathing in Your grace
Evermore we'll be breathing out Your praise
You are faithful, God, You are faithful
You are faithful, God, You are faithful
You are faithful, God, You are faithful
Your are, You are faithful, God, You are faithful

Thursday, January 7, 2016

The Scoop.

Let me give you the scoop... (For the record, that ⬆️⬆️ is Baskin Robbins peanut butter chocolate, Wendy's favorite scoop. Don't tell Andy. He doesn't work for Baskin Robbins.) 

I know it has been a while since I updated- sorry, not sorry! That just means since the end of chemo, though life has not been without challenges, things have been pretty good. Wendy's favorite line when asked how she is doing: "Can't complain (and it wouldn't help if I did!)" 

Wendy's labs have remained mostly stable since the end of chemotherapy. She did receive one final blood transfusion the day after her last treatment, but has not needed another, which is a blessing! She has continued to take the oral supplements for her potassium and sodium levels, but they seem to be working at keeping things stable. Her energy is improving everyday, and we are just waiting patiently to see signs of new hair!! 

She has continued to wage battle with her ear, and saw an ENT before Christmas to help her over the hump of constantly being in a "tunnel". Thankfully, the pain has improved; and, after a round of steroids and some nasal spray, it is slowly clearing up. 

Wendy saw her surgeon on December 14. It was a great visit, and both she and Andy walked away with a lot of answers and a general peace over what would happen next. It was, as expected, a fire hose of information, but the plan is in place! Wendy will undergo outpatient surgery Monday, January 11th- the official Phase II of Striking Out Breast Cancer. 

The surgeon repeated her mammogram and reported the CANCER APPEARS TO BE GONE (pause for celebration....) (....more cheering) (....look to Heaven and thank GOD!) Therefore, the surgery will focus on two areas: 1) cleaning out the borders of the area where the tumor was located, and 2) removing any lymph nodes that were affected (presumably, this is one lymph node; however, they will test the surrounding areas to be certain and remove anything suspicious). 

This procedure is outpatient, as I mentioned, and Wendy will be allowed to go home the same day. There will be some minor restrictions, but they are unclear as to what those are until the results of the surgery are revealed. 

Wendy has never had surgery before, so while she is ready to conquer this next hurdle, it is certainly a little mind boggling and nerve-wracking! (or nerve-racking, per Merriam- apparently both are acceptable...sorry for the aside.)

Following surgery, she will recover for approximately 4 weeks before preparing for and beginning the final phase of treatment, radiation therapy. 

Friends, it has been 192 days since hearing the dreadful truth that led us here, 4 days before surgery. But our God is faithful, our friend is mighty, and our ultimate battle is WON. Join with me to pray for Wendy as we head toward Monday: 

-- Pray for Wendy's general health. While she is improving, we still must pray for her labs, and for her overal energy and wellness. Pray that gates of protection would surround her and nothing will delay her surgery!
-- Pray for Wendy's ear. While it has improved significantly, it needs to continue to heal. 
-- Pray for ultimate peace over Wendy and Andy on Monday (as well as her kids and her family.) Pray for a successful outcome with as little invasion as possible, for minimal pain, for the stable hand of her doctor, for no infection, for an easy recovery, and for encouraging news!  
-- Pray for Andy, Wendy and their kids. There have been many successes and many setbacks in this battle, and though we celebrate the HUGE successes, we also face realities that are still hard! Let us not forget to pray for strength and to offer encouragement!
-- Pray for Hal and Nancy as they continue to care for their kids and grandkids! 

Thank you for joining me on Team Wendy-Woo! Monday, as my bestie puts on her big girl pants and braves surgery, please put on your Woo-Wear in support of Wendy as a reminder to PRAY ALL DAY! Post pics and send a note to encourage her on her big day (but be gracious and don't expect a response- she is gonna be a little busy!) Look forward to an update as soon as I have one! (If you need some special Woo-Wear, let me know- I still have t-shirts and bracelets available!) 

So...that's the scoop for now. Sit back and watch God finish what He has started! 

"I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you." Isaiah 46:4

Blessings - K